Thursday, August 26, 2010
Prayer Shawls (Denise)
The dusky rose has a home with Carolyn in Billings.
The blue and green is headed to Shirley in Absarokee, MT.
I used a fringe twister to twist the fringe. It made the work go so much faster. Conair no longer makes these things, but they can still be found lurking around e-Bay and the internet.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Fiber Arts Judging Class I & II (NwRSA)
MAWS is providing a Judging Instruction Part I and II seminar through NwRSA on October 1-3, 2010. The class starts 8 am on October 1-3.
I have group rate rooms with the Elkhorn Inn in Montana City, MT, (1 Jackson Creek Road) for the seminar. Rate is $65 (+ tax) for the two nights that span October 1-3 that we meet for the class. Each attendee is responsible for reserving and paying for their own rooms. The number is 1-406-442-6625. Tell them “MAWS Event” to get the group rate.
Our first meeting day will be in the Elkhorn Inn Conference Room. Coffee and cookies are provided. After that, we meet at Montana City Schools.
The cost of the program is $140 per person if I receive money by September 18. After that, it costs $155.
Checks need to be made out to:
Great Falls Spinners & Weavers Guild
65 Treasure State Drive, Great Falls, MT 59404
If you have questions, call me at 406-868-1930…or email (meagi one)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Fair Time (Denise)
I took a class on boundweave. Boundweave is set up on wide spaced warp threads on a 4 or 6 heddle loom. I used 8/3 linen rug warp at 6 ends per inch (epi). Using a 2-2 twill pattern for the beginning and ending, I created the sampler pattern. It just depends on what colors you shoot across. The twill pattern progresses in the same order, the colors just change. 4 shots = one color row. Logically this is ideal for rugs. The center part is figurative boundweave (you can see figures). That is woven on a 1-3 twill. The same principle applies, the colors make the pattern, not the weaving.
My dad's sweater took second because of the neckline. While it was knitted perfectly, I have a line of elastic thread in there. The weight of the garment distorts the sweater. The elastic holds it together. A note in the future - save the elastic till after judging.
My pillow is finally done. using 20/2 cotton thread wasn't wise for a first project on my floor loom. Progress was very slow.
My drop spindle yarns did well enough. I did them while watching my kids in swimming lessons. The gray Gotland is a bit over-plied. That's why it got the "that's nice" award.
By boucle got second. With more subdued colors it may have done better. Who knows. On to the next!